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How to stay prepared for potential disasters and recession proof your business

Pandemic to Recession? The Ultimate Guide to Medical Spa & Clinic Survival

February 16, 20235 min read

“In this time of recession, it is the time for invention. Did you know both the telephone and the automobile were invented during recessions? So was ‘talking dirty.'” - Eugene Mirman

As we start recovering from the pandemic, are we just diving into a recession?

As the world slowly reopens and tries to return to a sense of normalcy, it's natural to question the stability of our current state. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a massive shift in the global economy, leaving many wondering what the future holds. A recession can have significant impacts on the medical spa or medical clinic industry. During an economic downturn, people tend to cut back on discretionary spending, including non-essential medical procedures and services. As a result, medical spas and medical clinics may see a decline in revenue and an increase in competition as other businesses also seek to attract customers.

the time is now to prepare for any chance of a recession

So, what do you think? Are we indeed on the road to recovery, or is this just the beginning of a new economic struggle? 🤔💩

A little background...

The determination of a recession is made by economists using a variety of economic indicators, such as GDP, employment, and consumer spending. A recession is typically defined as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. The summer of 2022 marked the beginning of a U.S. recession based on this definition. U.S. business cycles are defined differently by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). In 2022, we were not in a recession as defined by the NBER, which is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts more than a few months.

As the world debates whether we are going to have a recession, it's important to remember that as individuals and businesses, we can prepare and take steps to mitigate the impact of a potential recession. By carefully monitoring our finances, diversifying investments, and maintaining strong relationships with clients and suppliers, we can weather any economic storms that may come our way. By being proactive and taking a cautious approach, we can set ourselves up for success, no matter what the future holds. The key is to stay informed and to be ready to adapt to changing circumstances, whether it's a pandemic or a recession. By doing so, we can safeguard our businesses and secure our financial future.

Here are some ways that a recession may affect your medical spa or medical clinic:

  • Decreased demand: A recession often leads to a reduction in consumer spending. People may prioritize necessities like food, housing, and utilities over non-essential medical treatments and services. This could result in a decline in the number of patients visiting your medical spa or clinic.

  • Competition: A recession can lead to an increase in competition as other medical spas and clinics try to attract the same limited pool of customers. This may lead to price wars and decreased profitability for everyone.

  • Supply chain disruptions: During a recession, suppliers may face financial difficulties, leading to supply chain disruptions. This could result in higher costs for medical supplies and materials, which could impact your bottom line.

  • Employee retention: A recession can also impact employee retention. Your employees may be seeking more stable employment opportunities, or they may take pay cuts to keep their jobs. This could lead to decreased morale and increased turnover, which can negatively impact your business.

To mitigate the impact of a recession on your medical spa or medical clinic, it is important to have a plan in place.

Here are 9 strategies that you can consider:

  1. Build customer loyalty: Foster relationships with existing customers by providing excellent customer service and offering incentives for repeat visits. This will help to reduce the impact of a decline in demand.

  2. Technology adoption: Embrace technology to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer experience. For example, implementing customer relationship management (CRM | xRM) can reduce paper waste and improve data management, while offering online booking and payment options that can enhance customer convenience.

    One example of adoptation given by Forbes is consultations by Zoom greatly helped med spas and medical clinics survive the pandemic shutdowns in 2020.

  3. Partner with other businesses: Partner with complementary businesses to offer bundled services or joint promotions to expand your customer base and enhance your visibility. Another option is to lease unused space to a hair stylist or permanent makeup artist to generate additional revenue.

  4. Financial planning: Maintaining a strong cash flow and contingency plan is essential during a recession. Prioritize debt repayment and conserve cash by reducing expenses, renegotiating leases and vendor contracts, and seeking alternative financing options.

  5. Staying up to date: Stay informed about changes in the industry, such as shifts in consumer preferences or new treatments and technologies, and adjust your offerings accordingly.

  6. Diversify your services: Offer a range of services and treatments to appeal to different customer segments and attract new patients.

  7. Cost control: Focus on reducing costs, such as through energy efficiency and supply chain optimization.

  8. Employee retention: Invest in your employees by offering competitive salaries and benefits, and promoting a positive work environment.

  9. Marketing: Increase marketing efforts to drive demand and differentiate your medical spa or medical clinic from the competition.


In conclusion, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty in the global economy and has many in the medical spa and clinic industry worried about the possibility of a recession. While a recession can have a significant impact on the industry, various strategies can be implemented to mitigate its effects. By embracing technology, building customer loyalty, maintaining strong finances, diversifying revenue streams, and seeking the help of marketing agencies, medical spas, and clinics can position themselves for success and weather the challenges of a recession. Additionally, being proactive and anticipating challenges before they arise can help the industry prepare for any economic disruptions that may come. It is important to remember that recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle, and with the right strategies in place, the medical spa or medical clinic industry can emerge from a recession stronger and more resilient. By staying informed about industry trends, consumer behavior, and changes in the economy, medical spas and medical clinics can make informed decisions that will help them not only survive but thrive during challenging economic times.

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Cory Verissimo-Seelman, RN, BSN

With years of experience in both nursing and business, I bring a wealth of knowledge to local businesses. I understand the challenges and mistakes that can arise and have firsthand experience navigating these issues. I have also invested time and resources into testing various financial and lead generation strategies. My goal is to support local businesses in reaching their aspirations and realizing their goals by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to generate traffic and grow their businesses.

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